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Writer's pictureProf. Arun Mishra


Your Resume

Carefully do proof-reading, remove grammatical errors, edit your words and phrases, be simple, be to the point, be precise, be polite, express your education, knowledge, experience, abilities and skills.

Be Professional

Prepare your resume and yourself according to industry. Suppose you are applying to a Software Programming Industry then choose words, sentences, phrases, design, colors on resume accordingly. If you are applying to Software Marketing Job then do it accordingly. You may also change your dress code and presentation accordingly. I remember, one of my candidate, used to prefer white and black dress for Marketing job, while sky blue and black for software programming jobs.


It works. If you can get recommendation of an insider then it will be very good. Employer generates faith and confidence in you. Remember that 80 percent of jobs are not posted online. One third of employees get hired through referrals. So be serious about recommendations and referrals.

Personalized Letters and Emails

Send your resume-letter or resume-email to right department and right person. Make it personalized, like - To, Mr. Sharma, HR Head, ABC Company. Keep both your email subject line and body short and simple. Don’t delay your follow up.


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